Noyce Scholarship Application
Colorado State University

What is the Noyce Scholarship Program?
The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program is a National Science Foundation-funded program designed to to recruit and prepare talented STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) students for a career in middle and high school teaching. At CSU, this project is a collaborative effort among the Colleges of Natural Science, Engineering, Warner Natural Resources, and Health & Human Sciences, and the CSU STEM Center.

Who should apply?
The scholarship program is intended for students who have:

  • earned at least 60 credits
  • are majoring in a STEM field,
  • a minimum 2.8 GPA, and
  • would like to pursue a teaching career in science, engineering or mathematics.

Why should I apply?

  • I am the voice of change, I am the voice of opportunity … I make a difference.
    • By engaging students in inquiry-based STEM curriculum
    • By becoming a teacher leader in high needs school districts
    • By advocating for all students
    • By collaborating with mentors and colleagues across the country
    • By helping create opportunities for all students
  • Scholarship recipients will receive
    • $5,000 scholarship per semester for up to four semesters
    • Mentoring and professional development supports

Where will I teach once I graduate?
Scholarship recipients are expected to teach one year in a high-needs school district for every semester of scholarship received**

*High needs school districts are defined as those that with a high percentage of students who qualify for free-and-reduced lunch

**If the teaching obligation is not met, the scholarship converts to a loan, appreciates interest, and must be repaid in full

How do I apply?
To start the online application process, click on the Application Guidelines link on the left and review the qualifications. It is important that you meet the qualifications as stated. If you meet the qualifications, click on the New Applicants link on the left and begin the application process. If you are returning to update or complete your application, please click on the Returning Applicants link on the left and log in. You will need:

  • 2 letters of recommendation

The Robert Noyce Scholarship Program Committee requests that the following four (4) questions be answered in three (3) pages or less, using double space, Times New Roman, 12 point font (1 inch margins on each side).

  1. Describe why you want to enter the teaching profession.
  2. Describe any unique qualities which set you apart from others who might be applying for the Noyce Scholarship.
  3. The Noyce Scholarship requires recipients to teach in schools identified as "high needs," specifically high poverty schools. What challenges do you anticipate in such a setting and how would you address those needs?
  4. Drawing on your own educational experience, what qualities do you think are necessary for teachers to be effective?

When should I apply?
There are two application cycles, once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester. For the fall semester, the application opens on September 15, 2024, and the deadline to complete the application is midnight on March 2, 2025. All applications after that date should be emailed to until the application portal opens again in February 2025.

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